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The work (12 metres by two) is my personal elaboration of the 23 chromosomes present in the map of the human genome. A detail of each chromosome is seen in close-up, a ‘zoom’ shot of a particular region of interest (in the order of 100 megabases) that highlights a particular genetic structure and the sequencing of that given chromosomic segment enlarged one billion times. A gene with a particular function and involved in a particular disease has been chosen from each chromosome. In the case of chromosome 15, and its segment q25, for example, the highlighted gene is believed to be responsible for pulmonary cancer. Each chromosome contains a number of genes, some better understood than others, and our understanding of these represents a major challenge for the sciences of medicine and biology.

The scientific information used to realize the map was taken from e!Ensemple, which produces a genome database and makes the information available free and on-line. The geneticist Gianni Soldati contributed to identifying the genome loci highlighted in the work.



      Daniela Papadia




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